我らが友 Klone のソロショーがカリフォルニア州はサンノゼの Anno Domini で今週開幕します。 "The Moment (when the world stopped turning)"と題されたこの展覧会ではイスラエル人ペインターの魅力が満載の新作が多数展示されます。 "The Moment"のオープニングは2月1日午後7時にAnno Dominiにて。 会場住所:366 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113 A collection of glimpses from our world, snapshot like documentation of possible/impossible moments. Each of those moments is represented through a visual vocabulary, loaded with symbolism that is derived from various experiences from not so far away childhood and through not so clear adulthood. This is visual documentation of life , no matter where you're from, which part of the globe and which side of the ocean. The dreams we have, the days we live, the politics, the unnecessary battles, the necessary struggles, the poor and the rich, the tired and the restless. There's place for everybody and place for no one. This is daydreaming of what could be and what won't ever return. The chase that never ends.