Shepard Fairey "Sedations Of Millions" 新作プリント3月13日発売!

Shepard Faireyの新作プリント"Sedations of Millions"が来週リリースされます。
このプリントはShepardお気に入りのPublic Enemyのアルバム"It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back"からインスパイヤを受けて誕生した作品です。

I think the biggest problem in America is the indifference and complacency about important issues that results from much of the population being perpetually hypnotized by conspicuous consumption, social media, entertainment, and self-medication. Using sedation and escapism for relief from the rat race might make us less aware(blissfully ignorant) but also less empowered to improve our role within the rat race… a vicious cycle of cause and effect.




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