Zhao "The Chairman" プリント3月23日発売

シンガポール拠点のアーティストZhaoの初スクリーンプリントが今週発売されます。Ai Weiweiのイメージを使用したこのMaoプリントのタイトルは"The Chairman"で、エディションは41。用紙サイズは37x30cm、タイトル&サイン&ナンバー入り。

“I was inspired by how public offices have A3 photos of their leaders, gold framed to be worshipped and reminded that he is the highest high, watching over you. i believe, as a counter move, every art-loving home and office cubicle should hang a picture of Ai Weiwei as Chairman Mao, it should be an image made angrily, in a shoddy, made-in-china mass produced Warholian silkscreen way – a method of printmaking which is, coincidentally, the only way I know how to make prints. Serendipity? Sure, why not.” --Zhao

購入はこちらから:3月23日11AM GMT (価格:£41)



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