Faith47 最新ストリートピース In ヨハネスブルグ(南アフリカ)
上海で披露してくれた美しいミューラルもまだ記憶に新しい (参照), Faith47が故郷ヨハネスブルグに帰ってきました。
近日中にはその全貌が明らかになる彼女のソロ展覧会"Fragments Of Burnt History"はDavid Krut Galleryで開催されるそうです、そしてその為のインスタレーション作品のイメージはAlexia Websterの写真を元にしているそうです。
The Long Wait - Part One
Miners are waiting for justice. workers are waiting for a living wage.
People are waiting for service delivery. refugees are waiting for assistance.
Men are waiting for jobs. we are all waiting for an honest politician.
So many people are waiting for others to do things first. to take the blame.
To do things for them. to take the fall. to build the country. to admit defeat.
There has been so much waiting in this country that much time has been lost. --Faith47